Website : hezarfen-themovie.com
Hezarfen is a historical Turkish character.
The story takes place in 1632 in Istanbul, where he will attempt the first flight of the human being.
Hezarfen est un personnage historique Turque.
Il tenta d'effectuer le premier vol de l'homme du haut de la tour de Galata a Istanbul en 1632.
Directed by:
Tolga Ari tolgaari@live.com
Romain Blanchet romainblanchet@live.com
Chung-Yu Huang chungyuhuang@live.com
Rémy Hurlin remyhurlin@live.com
Music by : Yannis Dumoutiers yannis@yannisdumoutiers.com
Sound Design by : Ozan Kurtulus ozankurtulus@gmail.com
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